"Weinstein exactness of nearby Lagrangians: towards the Lagrangian C^0 flux conjecture" (with J-P. Chassé, R. Leclercq and E. Shelukhin) - available at arXiv:2410.04158.
"The number of periodic points of surface symplectic diffeomorphisms" (with M. Batoréo and B.Ferreira) - available at arXiv:2409.14962.
"On the Hofer-Zehnder conjecture for semipositive symplectic manifolds" (with H. Lou) - available at arXiv:2309.13791.
"Lagrangian intersections and the spectral norm in convex-at-infinity symplectic manifolds" (with H. Alizadeh and D. Cant) - Mathematische Zeitschrift (accepted), preprint available at arXiv:2312.14752.
"The spectral diameter of a symplectic ellipsoid" (with H. Alizadeh and D. Cant) -
Journal of Symplectic Geometry (accepted), preprint available at arXiv:2408.07214."Remarks on symplectic circle actions, torsion and loops" -
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 24 (2024), no.4, 2367-2384."Hamiltonian no-torsion" (with E. Shelukhin) -
Geometry & Topology, 27 (2023), no.7, 2833-2897.